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I can do it... I will do it...
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole France
Self belief…. key to living a happy and fulfilling life, so simple and yet so challenging at times!
When I was a little boy, we used to have a wonderful LP record (that’s a large black disk that has voices and/or music on it that plays on a record player for those that are too young to know what I mean!) with stories on it about Thomas The Tank Engine. I used to love listening to it and, I have to admit, I still like watching the children’s TV show portraying the stories now!
Anyway, there was a great story on the record about Thomas (a little engine) and Gordon (a huge engine). Thomas pulled a couple of small carriages about and sometimes helped with shunting the goods trains too. Gordon, however, was the train responsible for pulling the express train that, as you can imagine, gave him quite a sense of self importance. To cut a long story short, Gordon one day was told he had to pull a long train of goods carriages which was incredibly heavy. He complained and said that was beneath him but had no choice but to pull I the heavy carriages. Unfortunately he got stuck halfway up a hill and couldn’t get moving again. He needed the help of Thomas (the smaller, more lowly engine in Gordon’s eyes) to get moving again. Gordon was humiliated and angry and upset. All he kept saying to himself was “I can’t do it, I won’t do it”. Thomas, however, was a happy, optimistic little train and repeated “we can do it, we will do it”. Slowly by slowly Gordon began to move, although still saying “I can’t do it, I won’t do it” with Thomas, enthusiastic and believing as ever, repeating “we can do it, we will do it”. As Gordon built up speed he realised he was moving and his words changed from “I am doing it! I can do it! I will do it!”.
Forgive my lapse into my childhood with that story, and I’m sure you probably know already where I’m going with this! However, I’m going to labour it anyway! Gordon is very much like the Ego Self: A bit self important, doesn’t like to try new things, likes to think it’s better than everyone else, and will give up when things get a bit challenging. However the Soul Self is very much like Thomas. It may appear small, but it’s a wonderful powerhouse full of energy, light, and enthusiasm. There is nothing that it cannot be, do, or achieve. It has Strength, and Determination, and is the Pure, Authentic, True Self.
So there are two points I want to make this week:
1) In life, we must learn to be humble enough to take on tasks that might appear “lower” than us. For when we think like that we are judging that we are better than others – which is not the case at all. We are all equal in this world
2) In order to get things done, to change, to move forward, and to evolve, we must aim to have as much self belief as we can. If we keep telling ourselves we can’t do something then we won’t be able to do it, and vice versa. As the brilliant quote by Henry Ford goes “If you think you can, you’re right. And if you think you can’t, you’re also right.”
We can create the life we want by believing in ourselves and what we can achieve. We just need to remind ourselves what powerful creators we really are. Remember: I think I can, I know I can. Say yes to what you do want rather than no to what you don’t want, then get out there and create it. The Universe believes in you, otherwise you wouldn’t be here now ;-)
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