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People who are spiritual, empathic, deep thinkers, need to take even more care in choosing a partner than "normal ordinary average" people. Because they feel things more and are more intense they suffer more when things are not going well, when they are worried, stressed, anxious, feeling neglected,badly treated, scared of the future or unloved. Just as an empath or deep thinker tends to be happier when things are going well for them. Their relationship is the centre of their universe so they know that they are going to be made or broken based on their choice and it would be better for them to remain single if they were going to settle or compromise.
One of the things that all deep thinkers should be looking for in a partner is another deep thinker. Someone who shares that strength and weakness. Someone who is fairly self aware and understanding about emotions , thoughts, how they affect relationships and people and how the power of the kind comes into force. They do not need to be psychic but they do need to accept it.
The other things that an empathic person looks for will vary from person to person because their behaviour, attitude and personality will vary from person to person. You can get a deep thinker who is very hard working, ambitious, driven, determined and you can get another who lives in a bubble, in a fairy tale world where th
ey expect their family or the Government to pay all of their bills and think that washing a few dishes and cooking themselves egg and bacon is a busy day.
The rest will vary too. They can share some hobbies and have other interests that are poles apart. One may love animals the other not and so on. But the basic personaliy has to be in tune so a kind person will not want a nasty person, a generous person will not want a mean person, a chatty outgoing person who wants to go out a lot may not be happy with an introvert who prefers to stay at home and so on.
The important point to remember is that the empathic, deep thinker NEEDS more than anyone to get it right or stay single because it would grate on them and upset them more than words can tell if they pick the wrong partner. The thoughts they would get and the fears, the annoyance would grate on them far more than any other person in the same way that a person with aspergers hates sudden change our loud noise. And they are far more likely to be able to make it work with someone else who shares this basic characteristic.
Many of the clients who come to me for relationship help are people who have not picked the right partner, in many ways they are trying to make something work that can never work. They hope that a look at the tarot cards or the crystal ball will somehow fix it.
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