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unspoiled lake.....
Each of us literally chooses, by his way of attending to things, what sort of universe he shall appear to himself to inhabit.
William James
Imagine, if you will, the most stunning, beautiful lake you have ever seen. Peaceful. Abundant with life. Majestic and magnificent. Fresh air abounding. Gentle breeze rippling the surface of the water and the feathers of the birds floating on the surface. Warm sun shining down. The sound of the breeze swishing the grasses, plants, and trees around the lakeside. The sound of the water lapping the shore, and the gentle “plop” as a fish pops up to the surface. Totally unspoiled and pure.
How disappointed and angry would you be if people started to spoil the lake by leaving rubbish by it. If companies started emptying out toxic waste into it. Think how horrible it would be if the only things that were put into the lake were unhelpful to life and growth. Sadly this happens to beautiful places around the world.
Now, imagine that lake represents you and your life. For make no mistake, we are all beautiful beings. Within your “Lake” is a wealth and variety of things to experience, within, around, and on the top of it. Imagine now that your thoughts are what feed and flow into your “Lake”. Are the thoughts you think energetic, beautiful, and filled with life? Or are the thoughts you think toxic, and trashy? Make no mistake, it is our thoughts which create the world around us and the life we experience. What we think, we begin to believe. What we believe, we live by. What we live by, is what we create.
All the time that we are thinking negatively about people we know, or resenting and hating things that have happened to us in the past, or worrying about what will happen in the future – we are polluting the life we are living.
There is a public outcry when companies dump toxic chemicals into beautiful places. And yet, when we dump toxic thoughts into our minds and our lives – who’s going to stop us? No one really can force us what to think. We have to make a choice. In order to make that choice, we need awareness. Awareness of what we are thinking. However, we have become so used to the internal dialogue that goes on within our heads that we often don’t notice it, let alone what we are actually thinking.
The best way to be aware of what we are thinking is to pay attention to our emotions. Our emotions are caused by what we think. It’s a lot of very hard work to monitor every single thought – however it’s a hell of a lot easier to monitor our feelings. In order to create and maintain the beautiful Lake that is our life, we need to take responsibility for how we are feeling, what we are thinking, and, thus, what we are creating.
No one can change our thoughts and feelings for us – we can only do that ourselves. With this understanding comes awareness and the ability to begin to make wonderful changes in, and to, our lives and the world around us. Change your thoughts. Change your life.
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