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angels of healing
Working with Angels is now becoming more and more popular. People have always communicated with their angels and guides however not everyone is aware of just how easy it is. Angels work and walk amongst us all and we only have to acknowledge their existence and ask them for advise or help and they are more than willing to do so. In fact they are delighted when we ask for their assistance and you do not even have to ask out loud.
Are Angels Human?
Angels have never been part of the human consciousness and therefore have never been incarnated in human form. Angels never become human although they can assume human form temporarily, just as humans never evolve into angels. You may have heard of ‘guides’ who have been incarnate and is different from an angel. (A guide can and may be a deceased loved one, such as a grandparent) you may have many guides on your spiritual journey however angels work on a higher vibratory energy frequency than spirit guides.
Just Ask
The easiest way to communicate with your angel is to ask them to help you. Simply ask that they be around you and if you have a question then ask for guidance and an answer. Remember though that you where given free will and your angels will never interfere with this. You may receive your answer in many ways. For instance you may hear a piece of music and the words will resonate with you or it will be as if the answer you were looking for is actually being sung to you.
Connecting With Your Angel
The best way to learn to connect with your angel directly is through meditation. T

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here are many different techniques and you will need to find one that suits you. Some people find yoga very helpful to aid connection, or you can just sit in a quite space and ask your angels to be with you. Angels cannot come to our aid without us asking. This is one of the rules the angels have. You can also ask others angels to help, for instance if you wanted to help heal someone, you can ask for their guardian angel to be present and help you heal the person.
So What is Angel Therapy?
Angel Therapy
Angel therapy is based on the notion that communicating with angels is the key to healing. Angel therapists believe they help to heal their patients by getting in touch with the angel who will guide the patient in the right direction for them. It is not necessary to be clairvoyant or a medium to experience the joy and pleasure of angels. You do not need to actually see the angels to experience them. The majority of people know that we are never completely alone and can feel their presence enfolding us and guiding us, they help bring us comfort, healing and wisdom. Angel therapy will show you how to bring the love and joy that angels surround us with. You will learn how to invoke and commune with your angels. You will learn how to use essential oils and crystals for healing and drawing angelic visitations.
If you would like to learn more about angel healing and how to work with your angel and guides then visit our website for further information.
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