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The essence within you is guided from a higher plane. It is within you to know your journey. It is within you to understand your journey. But you may walk a path apart from this if you choose. Your energies will be diluted and will feel not so full, but your path that you choose is the one you walk.
There is no direction that forces you on any one plane or direction. But the heart of you, the essence of you, is always urging you back to where you know you must go.
This, your soul purpose, is within you, unalterable and divine. You understand the emotions that you feel when you wander from this path, and in doing so you understand the emotions fully and their implications. This will lead you back onto your pathway in the end.
Sometimes you need to experience another dimension to achieve this fully. But within you, you have a knowing and an understanding of where you are going.
This, your soul purpose, is there and built in you never to be removed. This natural moving forward is for you all to understand who you are and where you are. It is a guideline, and a datum for which you to work from.
Even those higher have this purpose written within them, and although the field narrows where we walk there are opportunities to explore other directions also. This is built in you for learning, for growth, and for the magnificence of the journey that is for you.
Spirit guide Chi channeled at the Hutton Schofield Circle, more on:
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