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In this class on how to experience Astral and Out-of-Body Travel, Marilynn Hughes will take you through all the very important preparations and alterations in your daily practices to encourage or induce a true Out-of-Body Experience. Some of the things which will be covered in depth include:
• Preparation to Experience Out-of-Body Travel
• Purification
• Meditation, Contemplation and Practice
• Interim Glimpses Before Experiencing Out-of-Body Travel
• Preparation to Leave Form
• Blocks to the Out-of-Body Experience
• Fears (Including the two biggest fears)
• Mechanics of the Out-of-Body Experience
Probably the most important things you will take from this course will be the daily cues to follow, the extremely important state of mind and intention for the practice and how to cultivate this tool from just a simple paranormal encounter into a profound and meaningful avenue of spiritual transformation. Rather than getting lost in worldly ideas of the experience, Marilynn will take you to the very heart of what a soul must seek to achieve if they wish to transform this experience into a truly pivotal and life changing tool of continual development of the soul.
In the follow up classes, you will have much opportunities to interact with Marilynn and others in the class to discuss your progress and receive instruction about your particular place upon the journey continuum. Get ready to get to know God, and to seek His will and truth even if it runs counter to your current view of reality. And it is in this, that the real adventure of life begins as we move closer to that holy truth which are yet to be revealed through the deeper experiences of Out-of-Body Travel. You can seek the experience, and it can be known by you . . . be open to the discipline and the challenge.
LAUNCH DATE: 24th January 2020
END OF EARLY BIRD: 1st January 2020
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