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This is an experience a friend of mine had when he was a child of about eight. He went to bed one night as usual. That particular night he woke up in the middle of the night, and there was a man in a world war one uniform stood at the end of his bed. He was very frightened, and felt transfixed, unable to move because of his fear. He saw the soldier there for at least 45 seconds, until it disappeared. It just seemed to vanish. Although, his bedroom was dark, he was sure about what he had seen. He told his mother, and she said it could be his granddad. The experience shook him up a lot, and he worried for months afterwards in case it would return. He slept with the light on from that night onwards. He still lives in the same house, but the soldier never has returned to his room that he is aware of. Unless, the soldier has never returned without him being able to see him.
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