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Law of One Books
The Law of One series is a transcript of 106 question-and-answer sessions between UFO researcher Dr. Don Elkins and an alleged extraterrestrial intelligence — calling itself "Ra" and claiming to have assisted the Egyptians — which spoke through Carla Rueckert as the ‘instrument.’ Jim McCarty transcribed the sessions and provided valuable grounding and vital energy to enable the work to take place.
The Law of One group, calling itself Light/Love (L/L) Research, had worked for 20 years to develop and perfect this form of communication before the Ra contact occurred in January 1981, shortly after Jim McCarty came and moved in with Don and Carla. Just like Led Zeppelin fell apart when John Bonham died, the Law of One contact required all three members to work — and when Don Elkins passed away in 1984, the contact ended, and has never again been duplicated or matched.
I consider the work I do to be inspired by it — easier to understand, rounding out various points that were not clear — but I feel the series itself contains all the major pieces of the puzzle in some form.
You can read the Law of One Study Guide on this site, which touches on most of the important points in an organized format. We are in the process of creating links for every excerpt back to a website where the entire body of material can be read freely — but the link incorporation is very time-consuming work. The website with all the original source material, in its complete form, is
As I have so often said, I had no intrinsic need or desire to look to channeled material for information. In fact, I didn’t consider channeling to be credible, except in very rare cases such as Edgar Cayce’s readings, which were often mentioned in the various library books I’d read on Atlantis and ancient civilizations. However, like Edgar Mitchell, I knew the extraterrestrial presence was genuine — based on my own insider NASA disclosures I received in 1993 from a friend of mine, whose college professor worked in the upper echelons of NASA through the 1970s.
The short and sweet version of what I heard in 1993 was that the Roswell crash and others like it were real. Humanlike ETs had been identified, and we had reverse-engineered workable technologies from these crashes, which we now take for granted — including computer chips, lasers, fiber-optic cables, LED lights, infrared night vision, Kevlar, Velcro and Teflon.
I was delighted when Col. Philip Corso’s book "The Day After Roswell" came out in 1997 and completely validated everything I had heard four years earlier. Here is an excellent two-part presentation from NBC Dateline where you can see Corso interviewed and hear his testimony for yourself.
(Unfortunately, we now know from Margaret Wendt’s radio testimony with me that TV producers are literally forced by the networks to add skeptics to every show or else they cannot run.
I had three years of highly intense research under my belt by January 1996, when I found the Law of One material. I was astonished to see the Law of One series explain many, many aspects of my research, which up until then I felt were original insights.
Not only were my insights NOT original, the Law of One series obviously had a vastly more developed understanding of these subjects than I did. The clues were intriguingly spread out amongst four different major books and a fifth book of originally deleted material.
Of course, the most intriguing aspect of the Law of One series was that it predicted very major changes — akin to a dimensional shift, where human beings would evolve into a whole new energetic frequency — somewhere in the time window of 2011 to 2013. In order to understand what actually was predicted, some philosophical background — of what this series actually said — is necessary.
The Law of One series aligns with many ancient spiritual traditions in positing there is only one God, one Creator. The entire Universe is said to be an illusion — including all space, all time and all dimensions as we know them. All that ever has truly existed is the Creator, which is called "Intelligent Infinity."
The story goes that "intelligent infinity" decided it wanted to separate itself into various co-Creators in order to have a more vivid experience. Each of these co-creators would be given complete free will to exist and grow on their own, however they chose. This also meant they could experience a sense of separation, and forget that they are, in fact, part of this One Ultimate Being.
Intelligent infinity thus created intelligent energy, which in turn created multi-dimensional space and time as we know it.
Galaxies, stars and planets then emerged from the increasingly geometric, ‘fractal’ patterns of intelligent energy that formed in the Creation. The Great Experiment reached its fulfillment in the design and manifestation of sentient life on a vast number of these planets throughout the Universe. These planets were populated by beings like us.
A surprisingly large percentage of planets throughout the entire Universe — as many as 14 percent — have people who are more or less human-looking, as it is a very popular design.
Within our own galaxy, ALL sentient life is human-looking, though witness testimony has revealed there are a variety of differences in terms of height, skin color and other minor features such as the teeth and the number of fingers. Though most hands have five fingers, a fair number have six fingers per hand — and some people from Earth have this too:
In the case of an entire planet worth of people with features like these, the differences are the result of the influence of the stars and planets the people evolve upon. Everything in the Cosmos is alive and intelligent, and stars and planets have ‘personalities’ just like the galaxies do.
The commonality of the human form in our galaxy is one of many points in the Law of One series that was later validated by multiple insider witness testimonies from classified ‘black-ops’ programs.
I personally witnessed Sgt. Clifford Stone give his testimony at the Disclosure Project conference in May 2001. This video clip — from the day before I saw him speak in a closed executive summary briefing for members of Congress, their aides and invited VIPs — summarizes his knowledge of 57 different varieties of humans the insiders had identified as visiting us.
Sgt. Stone also mentions the seeming scientific paradox of why all of these visitors are essentially human, regardless of their planet of origin — and says once this information becomes public, we will have to solve this mystery:
Humans all have smooth faces and heads, without the ridges and protrusions you’re used to seeing in Star Trek episodes. We all look much more alike than we realize, and life on an isolated Earth is very lonely compared to the life we will enjoy with the people we will soon meet.
The reason why all sentient life in this Galaxy looks human is that the Galaxy itself is a super-being — a co-creator with the Universe. The Law of One series calls our Galaxy a "Logos" — and to borrow a Biblical term, the Logos designed ‘Man’ in ‘His’ image. (Of course, the Logos is genderless — a perfect union of masculine and feminine.)
Obviously, to the naked eye the Galaxy does not look like a human being. The human form is more of an expression of the ‘personality’ of the galaxy more than how it appears to us from the perspective of our physical sense organs.
Thus, the Logos designed the background "intelligent energy" of space and time itself, within the entire galaxy, to naturally form human life — beginning at the microbial stage right on up to what we now see here on Earth. Evolution IS an "Intelligent Design," though vastly more intricate and complex than in tired old "Creationist" models.
Stars and planets, like our own Sun and Earth, also have their ‘say’ in how the final human design appears on any given planet, but these variances are fairly minor. The vast majority of humans in our Galaxy can interbreed with each other and produce healthy offspring thanks to this shared genetic heritage, which emerges from the very background energy of space and time itself.
This Greek word "Logos" was given as the word for our Galaxy in the Law of One series for a very specific reason, due to its use in the early Christian gospels. When the man Jehoshuah became Christed, he said "I am the Logos (=Word)," meaning he became an embodiment of the Galactic Creator in human form.
It gets confusing when you consider that the One Infinite Creator — the sum of all galaxies, energy and matter in the Universe — is also called the Logos. Anything other than this Oneness, this Logos, is an ‘illusion.’
The Christian Bible also says, paradoxically, "In the beginning there was the Logos (=Word). The Logos was God, and the Logos was with God." This makes more sense when we understand the concept of Oneness as we just explained it — a Universal Logos with an infinity of co-Creators in Its own image.
When Jehoshuah, as the fully-embodied Logos, said he was the "Son," he was speaking of the consciousness of our Galaxy. The "Father" he referred to was the One Infinite Creator. All life in this Galaxy is therefore precious beyond measure, and religious elitism and persecution is obsolete. Religions just represent different ways in which people found their way into contact with the Logos.
The One Creator, or Universal Logos, set up 22 basic experiences, or archetypes, that all people on any planet will go through in the course of their evolution. Each Galactic Logos gets to custom-tweak its own interpretation of these 22 phases of evolution, adding its own ‘personality’ to the equation.
There are seven archetypes of mind, seven of body, seven of spirit and another single one that exists outside the rest, known as the "Fool". The entire 22 archetypes have been called the "Hero’s Journey," and the ‘Fool’ is the so-called ‘Beautiful Dreamer’ who begins the hero’s quest for enlightenment in a relative state of ignorance, but with his or her eyes aglow with the promises of what can be:
Again, this basic pattern of "archetypes" is consistent throughout the entire Universe, though the exact nature of each one varies from one Galactic Logos to another.
We have two fully-realized systems incorporating these archetypes here on Earth — the Hebrew Kabbalah and the Major Arcana in the Tarot. The Law of One group was given the choice of working with either system, and they went with the Tarot, which is a discussion that encompasses most of Book Four and is very hard to follow. A summary of the key points can be found at
On a simpler level, each Galaxy creates a program whereby life on each inhabited planet — of which there are millions — will be gradually moved through evolution in set cycles of time. This evolution moves through seven major ‘densities,’ which are somewhat akin to dimensional levels — except that ‘densities’ are more like energy frequencies than mathematical definitions of space and time.
Thus, first, s

econd and third density are all visible to us, and they all exist in three-dimensional space. First density is basic elemental ‘life’ — rocks, minerals, water, et cetera — and it does have awareness, but with no central focus or growth.
Second density is where life, as we usually think of it, begins. It runs the gamut from single-celled organisms all the way up through the most advanced primates, and all life in between. In second density, organisms share a group consciousness. They do not get to ‘graduate’ into third density until they gain an awareness of a separate self, outside the group mind.
Third density is where we are now, and the ultimate lesson here is to choose whether to love and support other people or manipulate and control them. This choice determines the remaining curriculum, and either choice is allowed.
Fourth density is love — in positive polarity it is love for self and others, and in negative polarity it is love for self without much respect or care for others. Fifth density is wisdom, honor and communication, the building of universal knowledge — and again, at this level it can be used positively or negatively.
Sixth density is where a full commitment to dedicating one’s life to serving others is made, self and other are seen as One, and love and wisdom are unified. There is no longer a differentiation between ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ at this point — all returns to an all-embracing love of the Creation as being One. At this level you travel back in time to help yourself evolve along the way, at all the various points — you program dreams and experiences, balance karma and act as a spirit guide for yourself in earlier times.
Seventh density is where the "Law of Foreverness" is grasped. It is the ‘gateway’ back to Oneness where all things, all experiences are seen as perfectly sacred. At this level you leave behind a gigantic Internet-type database of living information — everything you picked up along the way — for others in sixth-density to consult in their own work. This is the last thing you do before returning to Oneness, which is the eighth density or "Octave."
We are also told that these seven densities represent ‘true colors,’ and can be visualized with the rainbow color spectrum. We are further told that what we see in the visible light spectrum is only a distorted reflection of something that occurs on this vibrational ‘density’ level we cannot perceive with our sensory organs:
According to the Law of One series, most of which came through in 1981, our solar system is pushing its way into a new zone of energy in the galaxy, which will in turn shift Earth’s native energy level into "fourth density", and / or "true-color green," as of 2011-2013.
This is not some static event we sit and wait for, but rather an active, transforming influence that is making things more and more interesting and revealing the closer we get. Our minds, bodies and spirits are evolving "on the fly" as we go, and it very much affects our daily experience.
Ordinary people will have increasingly paranormal events happening — and the closer we get to 2012, the faster and faster this will happen, with increasingly miraculous results. This effect is happening to so many people that we are literally overwhelmed with miraculous paranormal stories in our email.
If you ride with these changes and stay positive and loving, you will experience greater and greater positive events, whereas if you cling to fear and separation you will be shaken harder and harder until you decide to forgive, embrace yourself and others, and move to a more positive place.
The fourth-density world we’re moving into is said to be 100 times more harmonious than life is now. You will be able to fly, levitate objects with your mind, communicate telepathically with great ease, perform miracle healings, travel through time, and even manifest objects out of pure energy.
All that is required to reach this level is that you are slightly more interested in loving and supporting other people rather than manipulating and controlling them. If you are 49-percent selfish and controlling, and 51-percent loving and supportive, you are still good to go for Graduation. It really is that simple, and thus thinking you need to be ‘perfect’ is a waste of your time and energy.
According to a comprehensive analysis of the Law of One material, some time in 2011-2013, almost everyone on Earth will first shift over into a parallel reality called third-density time/space. This is a mirror-opposite plane of existence from third-density space/time, where we are now.
Strangely, in this parallel reality, time becomes space and space becomes time.
[This is another great secret being kept from us in clandestine ‘government’ projects, according to at least three different witnesses I have personally spoken with.]
This means if you could shift yourself into time-space right now, you could move yourself through space here — say by walking forward — and you would be able to watch time speed up as if you were fast-forwarding a videotape. Start walking backwards from where you started, and the action you see will back up as well.
[GEEKSPEAK: Time, as we know it, is apparently powered by our movement through space.
Since the Earth rotates from West to East, if you were to travel East in time/space — ahead of the Earth’s current rotational position — you would travel forward in time. Traveling West would send you backwards in time. According to this science, time is entirely the product of our movement through space. No motion, no time.
Obviously, the location where you enter is very important. Let’s say you wanted to see your land before your house was built on it. If you popped into time/space where your house is now and started traveling West, by the time you backed up to a point where your house wasn’t built yet, you would very likely be too far away to see your house at all.
From credible reports we have seen, such as the research of Dr. Viktor Grebennikov, we can approximate that a trip of 4-5 miles only shifts you about 4-5 weeks in time. Of course, we don’t know whether he was traveling due East or due West at the time, so this estimate could be slightly ‘off’, but the "mile a week" formula is probably in the right ballpark.
You would therefore need to calculate how far you would have to move in space to get the corresponding movement in time. Again, as a very rough estimate you’d have to travel 52 miles West to see one year back into the past. So, you would have to start your trip 52 miles East of your house in order to go back and see it a year ago.
Time is powered by our movement through space, and gravity is one of the most important movements that keeps us anchored in space-time. Therefore, when you shield yourself from gravity you flip over into time-space. Multiple sources of data, both scientific and ‘insider,’ confirm this point.
Thus, we have a strange problem — if you had a gravity-shielding device and wanted to make a simple 52-mile trip to the West, while staying in the present time, it would be roughly a year too early when you got there. Obviously, additional developments would be necessary to stabilize your ‘time field’ inside the ship so this didn’t happen unless you wanted it to.
This is another major reason why the insiders do not want to release gravity-shielding technologies to humanity — they fear it would collapse the economy as people learned to cheat the system and see what was coming.]
So, as you walked forward and backward, you would be seeing all the various events that happened in your room, or will potentially happen in your room, at different times. But that’s not all.
You also have to remember that there are other people living out their lives in time-space who you might see as well, who would normally be invisible to you in space-time. Some of these people are what our legends refer to as fairies, gnomes, dwarves, elves and leprechauns. Laugh if you must, but with so many people having seen these guys throughout written history, it seems unlikely that it was all a product of imagination.
As crazy as this must sound, Dewey Larson’s "Reciprocal System Theory" of physics confirms this space/time — time/space model with extensive scientific proof that it must be the way things work. A form of this same science is well-known and studied in classified top-secret programs.
Larson solves all the problems of quantum mechanics by positing the existence of three-dimensional time just as the Law of One series described it, as opposed to Einstein’s conventional model where he only gave time the "fourth dimension" and left it at that.
The Ra group said Larson’s model was fairly accurate. Matter and energy as we know it is created by a constant exchanging flux of energy between space/time and time/space.
Several other sources of data, some from ancient Hindu scriptures and others from insider witnesses, suggest that this big energy shift in 2011-2013 will be triggered by a monumental blast of energy from the Sun. The Mayan Calendar, according to the Law of One series, was a highly accurate system for measuring these natural cycles in the Earth, Sun and Galaxy, and was given to the Mayans by another sixth-density group assisting humanity thousands of years ago.
This is a quite spontaneous event when it happens, and will have an effect of popping us into time/space similar to the Bermuda Triangle and / or traveling through a ‘stargate.’ The process is not at all painful — it is like the energetic equivalent of a sudden dive into a pool of cold water. It is apparently the most spiritually ecstatic moment we will have ever experienced, and ancient mystics eagerly looked forward to it many thousands of years ago.
If you do graduate, you will most likely move into "fourth-density space/time" and stay with the Earth in this totally new plane of existence that is now about to be born.
If you do not graduate, you live out the rest of your life in Earth’s third-density time/space — what most people call the ‘astral plane’ — and your next life will be on another third-density planet, custom-built for everyone on Earth who will still need it after the end of Earth’s third-density cycle.
Only recently have we discovered that apparently a small number of people — most likely those involved in secret government programs and leaning towards the negative path — do stay in "third-density space/time" — i.e. the physical Earth as it exists now — after 2012. Some of them are in underground bases and others stay on the surface of the Earth.
Some of these people who remain in third-density space/time also evolve into fourth-density, but as far as we can tell they graduate into the negative path.
Witnesses who have interacted with these "future human extraterrestrials" — including Dan Burisch in private conversations I have had with him — describe them as being threatening and fear-invoking, which is vastly different from how the Law of One series says it feels to connect with a fourth-density positive being.
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