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• All Spiritist practice is gratuitous, following the orientation of the moral principle found in the Gospel: “Give for free what you receive for
• Spiritism is practiced with simplicity, without any external forms of worship, within the principle that God should be worshipped in spirit
and in truth.
• Spiritism has no clergy, nor does it adopt or use at any of its meetings or during its practices the following: altars, images, candles,
processions, sacraments, concession of indulgences, religious vestiments, alcoholic or hallucinogenic beverages, incense, tobacco,
talismans, amulets, horoscopes, cartomancy, pyramids, crystals, or any other objects, rituals or external forms of worship.
• Spiritism does not impose its principles. It invites those interested in knowing it to submit its teachings to the test of reason before
accepting them.
• Mediumship, which allows the Spirits to communicate with Human Beings, is a faculty which many individuals bring with them at birth,
independently of the religion or belief that they may come to adopt.
• Spiritist mediumship practice is solely that which is practiced based on the principles of the Spiritist Thought and within Jesus’ examples.
• Spiritism respects all religions and doctrines; values all efforts towards the practice of goodness; works towards peace and fellowship
between all nations and all peoples, regardless of race, colour, nationality, creed, cultural or social standing. It also recognizes that “the
truly good person is one who complies with the laws of justice, love, and charity in their highest degree of purity.” (The Gospel According to
Spiritism – chapter 17 – item 3)
“To be born, to die, to be reborn yet again, and constantly progress...”- Allan Kardec
“Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason face to face in every Human epoch.” - Allan Kardec
The study of the works of Allan Kardec is fundamental to achieve a true undertanding of the Spiritism.
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