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The myth of Atlantis has fascinated humans for thousands of years, for the memories linger tantalisingly in our unconscious minds. In Discover Atlantis, Shaaron Hutton and I have described the history and geography of the place, the way their society lived and was governed during the Golden Period, as well as their awesome spiritual technology much of which is currently beyond our comprehension. We describe the way they maintained their extraordinary levels of enlightenment and explain why and how Atlantis finally fell. The Angels of Atlantis tell us that it is now time for humanity to rise in consciousness again so that the wisdom of Atlantis can return.
Atlantis was a landmass in the Atlantic ocean on which a series of divine experiments were undertaken. It lasted in total for 250,000 years and during this time the civilisations were destroyed five times, before the continent was finally submerged by flood 22,000 years ago.
However, at the beginning of the final experiment, there was a halcyon period of 1,500 years when the spiritual level of the planet was the highest it has ever been. Atlantis was divided into twelve regions, each governed by a High Priest or Priestess, who had autonomy over their tribe and were highly evolved beings of the purest integrity.
The Temple of Poseidon housed the Great Crystal, a vast generator crystal made from pure Source energy that powered all the needs of Atlantis cleanly and efficiently. It provided the fuel for transports, lighting, air conditioning, refrigeration and anything else that was needed.
The Great Crystal was also a master computer, containing all knowledge. In those times, instead of downloading the information they wanted onto their laptop via a keyboard, they could obtain it by concentrating on the crystal. They would ask their questions and receive the information directly into their third eye. Some information was restricted so that only the priests could receive it.
The priesthood was both male and female and they were of the greatest honour and dedication, trained to serve the people. They would only ever do what was for the highest good and became the healers, teachers and counsellors. At first the healer priests only had to balance people's chakras to keep them in optimum health. Later sound, colour, herbs, crystals and other methods were used. All of these healing techniques have now returned to Earth for our use once more.
The new settlers glowed with light and happiness, for they were overjoyed to incarnate on Earth to see if they could maintain their divine connection while living in a physical body. They felt privileged to be able to touch, taste, hear, smell and see, and truly appreciated being able to stroke the face of a loved one, enjoy the taste and texture of food, smell the perfume of flowers and see the beauty of nature. They were so delighted with this opportunity that they would enjoy creating or fashioning objects that they needed rather than using their powers of manifestation to produce it. This was a time of pure simplicity.
And yet these Atlanteans had enormous spiritual and psychic gifts. Everyone was clairvoyant and they could all see auras, so no one could keep secrets or be untruthful! People had little need of language as they all used telepathy to communicate with their families and friends. Telekinesis, the ability to dematerialise an object external to yourself and re-materialise it in a different place, was considered to be an average and ordinary gift and was used by everyone to move things, from building materials to picking a fruit from the top of a tree and bringing it directly into your hand.
Living in a physical body the people could also feel emotions, which helped to ground them and they would call on the Violet Flame to transmute any negative feelings that developed, especially in relationships!
Because everything was open and transparent, all of nature was in harmony. There was no fear between humans and animals for no harm was ever considered. And all, including the cats, were vegetarian. Every creature and plant was respected and no one would pick a plant or take wool from a sheep without asking permission. However they were very pragmatic people and would use the product of the animals, including their fur when they had died, but only with permission. Every household had a cat and each child had its own rabbit and dog, the latter accompanying its owner to school.
The priests examined the aura of every child to understand what gifts he or she brought with them into incarnation. These talents were nurtured and developed by their families and at school, so that when they became adults they contributed to society that which they did best and loved doing. Consequently everyone was contented and fulfilled. Children were educated in the teaching temples in a peaceful ambience, to soft music and appropriate coloured light. Spiritual information was telepathically imparted to them by the teacher priest, or information, which had been programmed into their teaching quartz (computer), was absorbed into their third eye.
People loved to socialise and visit the other regions. The origins of the Olympic games were in Atlantis, when people competed for sheer enjoyment and to hone their skills. Ego simply was not involved, so racing was fun and enabled people to develop excellence. Even rider-less, bridle free horses raced each other for joy.
When they developed the technology of road building, journeys became easier for the general population. They would consider our road making materials to be crude in the extreme! Later huge flying airbuses connected the regions. Of course the priests and those of the population whose skills were sufficiently advanced, teleported from one place to another. Even children could fly. At the age of seven, during a ceremony in the local Temple of Sound each child was presented with a metal plate or tray tuned to the vibration of his name, so that he could travel above the ley lines - the energy lines around the planet. The owner of the plate sat on the tray and hit it with a special stick or wand, creating a specific vibration so that it would rise above the ground. By focusing on his desired destination, the traveller could direct his tray accordingly. Many adults travelled locally by the same method. The metals of each tray were chosen according to the planet of the person's origin and most of these are no longer present on the Earth. We believe that the universal myth of the magic carpet came from stories passed down about these plates and we understand that many people who dream they can fly, are remembering gifts they had in Atlantis.
In sacred Atlantis the people knew how to relax every part of their bodies, right down to the cells, and this is how they maintained their powers and their divine connections. Everyone had twelve fully operational strands of DNA. Because they lived calm, contemplative lives, the strands of DNA beads relaxed and connected. These codes - or building blocks of life - consist of sixty-four possible combinations of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen. As the purity of Atlantis degenerated and people became tense and afraid, many of the codes within the DNA switched off, so their psychic and spiritual abilities were disconnected. Today, only twenty are enabled, while the remaining forty-four are dormant. Forty-four is the number that represents the wisdom of pure Atlantis: it indicates spiritual purity. When we switch the disconnected codes on again we will regain our full twelve strands of DNA and this will allow us to merge with the oneness. These disconnected codes contain our psychic and spiritual gifts, telepathy, telekinesis, ability to manifest, clairvoyance, clairaudience, self healing and all the powers that await us. Reconnecting with the codes will bring back a sense of oneness and all the genetic information from pure Atlantis.
The people of the Golden Times had twelve main chakras in operation. Now we have only seven. Bursts of cosmic energy are being sent through now by the Intergalactic Council that will allow those who are spiritually ready to expand their consciousness. At last it is possible that the twelve chakras can be returned to humanity and the twelve strands of DNA can be switched on again. The keys are love, compassion, empathy, joy, generosity and positive living. But they must be combined with a relaxed, contemplative enjoyment of life.
The year 2012 offers enormous potential for accelerated transformation. Throughout Discover Atlantis we offer exercises, some performed by the mighty High Priests and Priestesses themselves, which will enable you to prepare yourself for the extraordinary spiritual opportunities becoming available.
I have prepared a pack of 44 Atlantis Oracle cards, like those used by families in Golden Atlantis to gain insights and greater perspectives. Each individual card is beautifully illustrated, for your guidance and inspiration.
Discover Atlantis by Diana Cooper and Shaaron Hutton, published by Hodder Mobius September 2005 £10.99.
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