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Dr Kevin Ross Emery
Oftentimes when we stand upon the precipice of change, it feels like we are standing at twilight. The day is behind us and we are headed into the unknown night, knowing that dawn is on the other side of night, but it feels so far away.
When the thought of experiencing change, or a fear of the unknown, seem to be overwhelming, it's time to step back and start looking for fireflies.
The fireflies are those little moments of light or brightness that can easily become lost in the darkening horizon. The fireflies of change are things such as excitement, adventure, new opportunities, fulfilling forgotten dreams, relief, and anticipation of what is to come, to name a few. We must look for those fireflies when we are feeling scared and unsure of ourselves, and begin to spiral out into the "what ifs" or even the "what could have been."
The places we are likely to struggle depends on how much of an element of the unknown is in the journey. It also depends on whether we decided to take the leap, or whether we were thrown out of the nest. Let's look at a few of the fireflies, shall we?
Excitement: Whether we make a change or change is made for us, somewhere underneath all the worry and what ifs is always some feeling of excitement. Humans were created to be curious, and our curiosity has sent us off to conquer the world we live in, to take to the skies, to the seas, even to explore the smallest bits of matter we can identify.
Adventure: Though leaving things as they are and creating a sense of stability is comforting, and we seem to be good at creating it, humans hate to be bored!
New opportunity: A chance to grow and explore different aspects and parts of yourself.
Fulfilling forgotten dreams: So often, when we grow too comfortable within a situation, we don't realize how many dreams we have given a back seat to. However, when we make changes, sometimes those dreams can become viable again, or at least some version of them.
Relief: On some level, we always know when change is coming. Therefore the very act of change happening brings us relief. Because at least whatever was going to change has, and now we can start moving forward again. There can also be relief when we want to be done with something, but at the same time, are afraid to be. We often choose to stay with a job or stay in a relationship, even though we know it isn't right. So even when we are forced into making the change, there is a sense of relief.
Anticipation: We get to dream, play, and do all the fun "what ifs" as we head down the road of change.
Now these are just some of what I call the fireflies. They are the bright spots, the moments, thoughts, hopes, and possibilities that we can use to help us on our pathway as we begin the process of change.
Focusing on the fireflies will help us make it from twilight to dawn.
Dr. Kevin Ross Emery is a popular author, psychic, coach, consultant and teacher. Dr. Kevin travels internationally, offering lectures and workshops to empower people from all walks of life. He's also available for phone (and Skype) consultations. Dr. Kevin's primary practices are in Portland, Maine and Haverhill, Massachusetts. Visit his website for additional articles, as well as his affiliate program. Join Dr Kevin on his weekly radio show: "Outside the Box with Dr Kevin" at
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