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Law of Precipitation

By:Helen Hain
Date: Sun,06 Oct 2024
Submitter:Andrew Hain

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The Law of Precipitation

Like most people I associated the word “Precipitation” with weather conditions such as rain and snow. However, having recently learned about the Law of Precipitation, and how it can be used to enrich our lives I’d like to share my findings so that others can put this law into practice in daily life.
Precipitation, a word not in common use when applied spiritually, concerns the manifestation of our needs and desires. However, there must be no selfishness or desire for material gain.
In order to fully understand precipitation and how to apply it in our own lives, it is necessary to go back to the beginning of creation and learn how the seven Elohim created the earth and our solar system.
The word “Elohim” appears over 2,500 times in the Old Testament of the Bible and they are also mentioned in the New Testament. The word “Elohim” is a plural word for the Greek word “Eloah” which means God. The Elohim are the highest vibration of light, and have evolved through the Elemental Kingdom. Before looking fully at the Law of Precipitation some basic knowledge is essential and requires explanation to fully understand the process of manifestation. We will therefore briefly consider the following topics.
1. The Great Central Sun
2. The Rays
3. The Elohim and Universal Light Substance
4. The Crown of the Elohim
5. The Elohim and other Beings of Light
6. Our Divine Self

1. The Great Central Sun
Our physical sun is often described as a reflection of the Great Central Sun behind it. The Great Central Sun is not a physical sun, but is the highest vibratory substance known. It is the source of all consciousness and source of all life in our entire galaxy. It is the presence of the ‘I AM’ which is termed ‘God’. However, we have to drop the idea that God is a person. This idea is still held by many.
The mighty Beings who govern the Great Central Sun are Alpha and Omega, and the two Great Beings who govern our Physical Sun are Helios and Vesta. It is vital to understand the importance of The Great Central Sun as it is the source of all life and descends to our physical heart by what is termed the Silver Cord which is anchored in what is called ‘The Three Fold Flame’. This flame has three plumes blue, yellow and pink which are the attributes of rays 1, 2 and 3. It is our connection to the Creator and gives us the ability to Precipitate just as the first humans could before the ‘Fall of Man’. The silver cord and three fold flame are withdrawn at death so our connection to the Creator is never severed.

2. The Rays
It is important to note that the rays from our physical sun are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, green, indigo and violet. These are rainbow colours and are the colours of the chakras.
However, when we study the teachings of the Elohim we find the rays are different colours. This is due to the fact that those are spiritual rays which emanate from the pure white light of God / The Great Central Sun. This light passes through a prism, and divides into seven rays bringing forth the attributes of God. It is these attributes that enable us to precipitate.
Each ray has its own colour and energy. The ray colours are blue, yellow, pink, white, green, purple/gold and violet. It is worth noting colours are not easy to describe and we find writers describing colours differently such as yellow or gold and white or crystal.
We each belong to a particular ray, but are influenced by all seven. We must master all rays to evolve spiritually. The attributes of the rays are as follows. Ray 1 Will, Power and Strength. Ray 2 Perception and Wisdom. Ray 3 Love. Ray 4 Purity. Ray 5 Concentration. Ray 6 Peace. Ray 7 Invocation, Rhythm and Freedom. We will return to these when we consider the steps to precipitation.

3. The Elohim and Universal Light Substance
The Seven Elohim responded to Helios and Vesta’s request for volunteers to create the earth and our solar system. The Elohim said they were willing to carry this out, and created using Universal Light Substance which flows from the I AM Presence. This electronic light can bring into existence whatever we desire so long as it is in harmony for God’s plan which is for us all to evolve spiritually. These particles of sparkling light can be seen on a sunny day. As we observe these we can wonder at the spiritual power that is within us and around us. It is this spiritual substance that allows us to manifest provided we have pure intentions.
The Elohim created all humans required, and this perfect environment has been termed ‘The Garden of Eden’ referred to in the Bible. Humans could manifest all their needs using this substance. However, as time went by humans failed to remember their spiritual connection. They misused their freewill, and due to selfishness and greed had to resort to hard labour to satisfy their needs. They could no longer rely on their God given power within. This situation is often referred to as the ‘Fall of Man’.

4. The Crown of The Elohim
On the forehead of each of us is anchored a Crown of Light composed of the 7 flames of the Elohim, and the colours represent the 7 rays. The blue of Hercules is positioned at our left side and this is followed by the yellow and pink flames. In the centre is the white flame and following on there is the green flame, the ruby/gold flame, and finally the violet flame at the right hand side of the forehead.
This Crown allows us to tune into the Elohim, and is a means by which the Elohim can connect with us to provide guidance.

5. The Elohim and Beings of Light
The Elohim and Ascended Beings of Light are available to be called upon to assist our spiritual growth. Each is dedicated to serve on a particular ray.
The Elohim are builders of form and embody the attributes of one of the rays. It was the coming together and using these seven attributes that enabled them to bring forth creation.
Chohans/ Lords are ascended masters who sustain the energy of their ray to implement the will of god.
Archangels are beings who have evolved through many incarnations, and are the highest rank of angels. They serve angels who work on their ray.
It is important to be aware that Elohim and Archangels have a feminine counterpart.
Below is a chart to show who serves on each ray and the ray colour.

Ray Colour Elohim Chohan Archangel
1 Blue Hercules El Morya Michael
2 Yellow Cassiopeia Lanto Jophael
3 Pink Orion Paul The Venetian Chamuel
4 White Claire Serapis Bay Gabriel
5 Green Vista Hilarion Raphael
6 Ruby/Gold Peace Nada Uriel
7 Purple Arcturus St Germain Zadkiel

NB Orion is also known as Artheos, Vista is also known as Cyclopeia and Peace is also known as Tranquility.

6. Our Divine Self
It is important to understand our true identity so we will briefly consider what has been termed ‘The Chart of The Divine Self. This Chart is widely available on the internet but cannot be reproduced for copyright reasons. The most accurate chart is the original produced in the 1930’s by the AMTF and can be viewed on their website It is titled, ‘Chart of The I AM Presence’. The chart illustrates our eternal connection to the Creator and to all that exists. It shows us just how complex we really are.
The top figure is our I AM presence which is our individualized aspect of God, and this allows us to precipitate just as great teachers such as Jesus and Saytha Sai Baba did.
Round this figure are seven concentric figures which form our causal body, and they are the colours of the seven rays. The inner most is blue and the outermost is violet. (Most charts are not accurate with the sequence of colours.) The causal body contains all the good karma accrued from past incarnations. The seven rays represent the seven Elohim, and the seven paths to God which we all have to master to evolve back to unity with the Source of our Being.
The middle figure is our Holy Christ Self sometimes called our Higher Self. It is there to guide us, but we have to ask for assistance. The third and lowest figure is our current incarnation, and within it is the Violet Flame which is a high frequency energy which can be invoked for forgiveness and mercy. This transmuting flame should be invoked daily by asking Archangel Zadkiel and St Germain who are both on the violet seventh ray.
Around the lower body is a tube of white light which we can invoke daily to protect us from negative energies entering our Being. Studying this chart daily reminds us of our true identity. Also in this lower body is the Silver Violet Flame.
NB The Violet Flame was available in ancient times, such as Atlantis, and was given to humanity to transmute negative energy to a higher level of love and light. It was withdrawn, but during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 it was requested to St Germain that the Violet Flame be once again available for the benefit of all, and it was re-established. However, in 1998 Archangel Zadkiel became the guardian of the Silver Ray of Grace and Harmony, and it merged with the Violet Flame for increased power. This Silver Violet Flame brought increased power for forgiveness, mercy and transmutation.
You can request St Germain and Archangel Zadkiel to enfold you in this flame, and you can also send it to others in need. It is recommended that you say the following decree three times. ‘I am a Being of Silver Violet Fire. I am the purity God desires.’
Recite this mantra several times a day to bring harmony and forgiveness, and also to transmute negative karma to assist our spiritual ascension. However, we have to play our part and do our best to take a spiritual approach to all that life presents to us.

The Source of the above Teachings
Much of the teachings of the Elohim and Ascended Masters are contained in literature distributed by the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation [AMTF] which as set up by Werner Schroeder to preserve the teachings given by Ascended Masters to Geraldine Innocente a messenger of the Bridge to Freedom Dispensation. Werner Schroeder and his wife Annette worked tirelessly to preserve these teachings which give us the guiding principles of precipitation, and how to achieve our spiritual ascension back to unity with the Divine.

Guidance on Implementing The Law of Precipitation
The following guidance should be read prior to taking the 7 steps to precipitation which follow. There are many guides to the Law of Precipitation on the internet, and the steps vary from 1 to 10. I hope the following preliminary suggestions will make 7 steps concise and simple.
1. Self mastery. This involves being in control of our 4 lower bodies namely, physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies which need to be in balance. Please read our article on this topic on our website. Also on our website is our Higher Self Affirmation which reminds us of that God-given power within us that is available to us if we ask.
2. Consider what you wish to manifest, and your motives which must be pure and unselfish with no desire for material gain. Ask yourself if others as well as yourself will benefit from this.
3. Spiritual Journal. A daily journal if completed honestly helps identify what positive changes need to be made. We have several articles on this on our website.
4. Meditation twice a day is recommended. This maintains a rhythm which is important and notes can be made in the journal. Seek guidance to become clear about what you want to manifest.
5. Equanimity means remaining balanced in all situations to maintain harmonious, peaceful relationships. Learn from mistakes and learn to forgive others and yourself.
6. Invoke the Silver Violet Flame to transmute negative energies. It can also be sent to others.
7. Divine Light. St Germain, Chohan of the 5th Ray, suggests invoking light as a preliminary step to precipitation. He reminds us that God said, ‘Let there be light’ at the start of creation. He is the master Alchemist, and alchemy in a spiritual context concerns transmuting energy to a higher level.
8. Hilarion suggests before taking step 1 that we state the following decree. ‘I am the Precipitating Presence in action’. The words ‘I AM’ remind you that you’re referring to the God Presence within you. Remember it is God that is the creator and not ourselves. Even Jesus said, ‘Of my own self I can do nothing’.
9. Silence is important, so do not discuss your plan to manifest with anyone. This maintains the necessary harmony which can be disrupted by other people’s negative thoughts, opinions and suggestions.
10. Rhythm and Chanting. Both of these are helpful not just for Step 6, but for invoking peace and calm. Chanting Mantras regulates breathing, and stops the mind wandering, thus helping concentration. It also assists in connecting with our Higher Self for inspiration, insights and intuition. Many mantras are thousands of years old, and can be found on the internet. Decrees and Mantras spoken with rhythm assist with engaging with the heart chakra. It is important they are spoken with feeling. Decrees are different from Affirmations as a decree always begins with the words ‘I AM’ which means we are saying ‘The God in Me’. Decrees are found throughout the Bible, and invoke positive energies thus releasing God’s power and blessings. The words ‘I AM’ are a reminder we were created in the image and likeness of God, and have all God’s attributes within us.
11. Crown of Elohim. Keep in mind at all steps to precipitation that the Crown of the Elohim is our means of receiving inspiration and guidance.
12. Being of Service. Consider ways in which you can use your God given attributes and talents to be of service to others. It is by giving that we receive, and by serving others we are serving God. Keep in mind the following quote from Saytha Sai Baba. ‘Hands that help are holier than lips that pray’.

The Seven Elohim
We will now consider each Elohim in turn to understand what they can teach us.
1. Hercules is the Elohim of Ray 1 which is blue, and he embodies the qualities of will, strength and power. Without these qualities nothing can be achieved or manifested. The desire comes first, but nothing worthwhile can be achieved or manifested without the will to do, so avoid procrastination and take the necessary action.
Your heart and mind must be committed to bring results. This allows us to create our needs provided it is for the good of all with no selfish intent, as we are all part of the one life. We are not meant to suffer limitation, but pure motives are essential.
The power to create lies within us in the three fold flame in our heart. Meditate on the blue flame for guidance to ensure your desire is in harmony with God’s will. Check your thoughts throughout the day to maintain harmony in your entire being. Edgar Cayce and many other writers have stressed that, ‘Thoughts are Things’ so be careful for what you ask for as you may not like what you get.
Ask Hercules to assist you in making a decision as to what you intend to manifest. This may be healing for yourself or someone else, how to develop a spiritual idea or a new home. Picture your thought-form.

2. Cassiopeia is the Elohim of Ray 2 which is yellow, and he embodies the qualities of Perception and Wisdom which is the second flame within our heart. These qualities are essential to form your idea, and time must be allocated to meditate on it to bring it into form. Concentrate on the yellow flame in your heart, and understand the Wisdom of God is within you. Ask for perception to ensure you have a clear picture of what you will manifest. Cassiopeia brings illumined understanding, and the ability to distinguish between what is true and what is false. Where we put our attention is important, and thoughts must be pure, and free from fears and doubts. Monitor thoughts as where we put our attention is what we attract. Attention on the yellow flame ensures no negativity enters our thoughts.
Our consciousness has been likened to a cup as it fills up with both good and bad thoughts. Even walking along the road we are susceptible to absorbing other peoples’ negativity. As we concentrate our attention at a spiritual level we receive illuminated wisdom from that yellow flame within.

3. Orion is the Elohim of Ray 3 which is pink, and he embodies the quality of love which is the third flame within our heart. It is love which brings everything together, and the Elohim understood that love was necessary to magnetise the electronic substance to create our planet and solar system.
It is love that brings people together, and it is love and forgiveness that heal relationships. Love and Peace together create harmony. God is love, and to create anything worthwhile love is the key. Orion reminds us that it was love that brought Jesus to the cross, and it was love that inspired Moses to lead the people from Egypt to the Promised Land.
We need to learn to love ourselves, and be at peace within by letting go of anger and upsets.
Love your idea to bring it into form, and keep sending love until manifestation. The seven Elohim joined together in love to carry out God’s plan for creation.

4. Claire is the Elohim of Ray 4, and he embodies the quality of Purity which concerns maintaining perfection. He holds the Immaculate Concept for our own individual aspect of God and for all creation. Purity is within every atom which brings us clarity and insight to purify our entire Being. By connecting with Claire we can receive guidance to purify our four lower bodies. It was Claire’s task to maintain the purity of God’s creation.
Each electron from God contains all of God’s nature and Claire’s flame of purity is within each one. These electrons fill our entire Being and revolve around the core of each atom. It is important to ensure our thoughts are loving and pure. This ensures the electrons revolve faster around the core of each atom and this clears away any destructive negative thought-forms. If we become arrogant, self righteous, fearful or angry these need to be changed to unconditional love, humility and peace to ensure perfect manifestation. Any negativity will lead to disintegration of your thought-form.

5. Vista is the Elohim of Ray 5 which is green and he embodies the quality of Concentration. It is also the ray of healing. The Elohim had to maintain concentration to ensure manifestation. If concentration is lost and attention diverted manifestation fails. It is the concentrated light substance that holds everything together and prevents disintegration. It is easy to lose concentration when doubts and fears creep in.
Remain focused on your purpose, and remember perseverance brings a positive outcome thus avoiding the project being abandoned. Keep in mind the Law of Attraction, and keep thoughts directed at what you want to achieve.
Nothing is accomplished without concentration. Even the mundane tasks we carry out daily require attention to ensure perfection. Remember decrees and chanting can assist concentration. It is worth noting that Vista is also the Elohim of music and suitable music can assist in maintaining concentration.
Ray 5 is also the Ray of Healing so you can request Hilarion to transmute any negative fears or thoughts to a higher level to bring healing where needed. The phrase ‘keep on keeping on’ is worth bearing in mind.
Please note that for the purpose of precipitation Rays 6 and 7 are reversed.
6. Arcturus is the Elohim of Ray 7 which is violet, and embodies the qualities of Invocation, Rhythm and Freedom. It is also the Ray of compassion and mercy as the Silver Violet Flame brings compassion and freedom. We have God’s power within the three fold flame within our heart and this power allows us to create. It must be invoked rhythmically as we concentrate on the form we wish to manifest. Rhythm is vital to ensure the symmetry of the thought-form remains perfect. However, thought must be accompanied by feelings which govern the rhythm of the electrons. Thoughts alone do not provide the necessary energy. It is feelings that supply the energy needed.
Invocation of rhythm must be part of your daily routine. Tasks must be carried out regularly at set times. Do keep to set times for eating, sleeping etc. Also, twice a day is recommended for meditation at set times. Rhythm is required to prevent disintegration. Deep rhythmic breathing and chanting are helpful.
Spend time in nature and note the rhythm such as the rising and setting of the sun, the seasons and the rise and fall of the tide. All these suggestions relax the systems of the body, bringing them into harmony with each other which is essential for good health. Ask Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Germain to enfold you in the energy of the Silver Violet Flame to bring freedom from any limitations or mistakes which may interfere with manifestation.

7. Peace is the Elohim of Ray 6 which is purple/gold, and embodies the qualities of Peace and Tranquility. These qualities are absolutely necessary as they are the sustaining powers required to ensure the harmony and beauty of what is to be manifested. Peace allows your thought-form to be permanently sustained preventing disintegration.
Without peace and calm there will be a negative effect on the electrons creating discord, and having a negative effect on rhythm.
Creating peace within our being and living a life free from discord is essential. Mastering our four lower bodies is advised. Practise equanimity in all situations which means staying balanced in all situations, and being in control of actions and emotions.
Breathe love and light around you and be grateful for all that you have. Be willing to forgive all who have hurt you thus maintaining harmony in relationships. Remember the Silver Violet Flame can be invoked for forgiveness and mercy. Invoke your I AM Presence within you to assist you in maintaining a loving vibration at all times so that nothing disturbs the process of precipitation.
Without the positive quality of peace your manifestation will disintegrate, and return to the Universe from which it came.

Steps to Precipitation
Step 1: Invoke the presence of Hercules to empower you with the Will To Do to give you the power and strength to take the right action to lead to manifestation.
Step 2: Invoke the presence of Cassiopeia to bless you with the attributes of perception and illumination to totally grasp your idea and show you a clear picture of your thought form and desired outcome.
Step 3: Invoke the presence of Orion to fill you with love to pour into your thought-form to create cohesion, and dissolve any negativity. Feel love in your entire being to ensure the harmony necessary to sustain your thought-form.
Step 4: Invoke the presence of Claire to fill you with purity and humility to enable you to hold a picture of purity thus resisting any desire to make changes. Hold the Immaculate Concept to sustain perfection.
Step 5: Invoke the presence of Vista to assist you in maintaining concentration and also consecration. Remain focused on your thought-form to concentrate the energy. Consecration is being totally dedicated to manifesting your desired outcome.
Step 6: Invoke the presence of Arcturus to assist you in maintaining rhythm until manifestation to maintain the symmetry of your thought-form. Ask for assistance to never miss rhythm times and to maintain rhythm in all activities.
Step 7: Invoke the presence of Peace to fill you with the necessary qualities of peace and harmony to protect your thought-form from disintegration. Ask for help to maintain peace in all situations.
As stated at the beginning of this article my intention was to share information I have found regarding the Law of Precipitation. There are many examples on the internet of the number of steps required for precipitation, and I have found these vary in number from six to ten. However, I feel seven is appropriate as guidance has come from the seven Elohim. These steps may be altered if it seems beneficial.
When manifestation occurs remember to give thanks to the Elohim. So often we take the good in our lives for granted. As we express gratitude for all that we receive we open ourselves up to receive more blessings and others are blessed as well.

The Permanent Atom
I would like to point out that most steps on the internet do not include creating the permanent atom. I would like to share information given by Paul the Venetian. Full guidance is available on the internet, and I suggest it is worth reading. It can be found by searching for a short book entitled, ‘Precipitation or The Science of succeeding in your Purposes by the Seven Builders of The Universe Known as the Seven Elohim’ written by Thomas Printz (El Morya}. The entire book is available to download as a pdf from the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom website, and the permanent atom is explained in chapter 9 of the appendix.
Briefly, the nucleus of a physical form is the permanent atom, and this can be projected into the physical form. God’s power within us lies within the three fold flame in our heart, and is our power to create. The permanent atom is the cohesive power round which the electronic substance is drawn, and this can be projected into the mental form of what you wish to precipitate. He gives precise details as to how to create the permanent atom, and I leave it to readers to study the instructions. I have no idea why this is not normally mentioned in the many examples of steps to precipitation. Do take time to read the steps given as you may wish to consider projecting them into your thought-forms. The information I have given is simply to share my findings, and I encourage you, the reader, to explore this topic further.

As stated at the beginning of this article I wished to share what I had learned about the Law of Precipitation. I have found this topic enlightening, and how it can enrich our lives provided it is used for the good of all. We have incarnated to evolve spiritually, and to assist each other on our spiritual journey. It is only by sharing experiences and knowledge that we can do this. So many people have no idea that they are Spiritual Beings, and thus what was termed The Fall of man continues.
I hope that this article will encourage others to focus on what is termed ‘The Garden of Eden’, and understand just how much we can achieve when spiritual understanding is gained. We have considered the impact thoughts have on our experiences. Thoughts create our experiences, and it is estimated that 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts pass through our mind daily. Take time during the day to monitor thoughts and be prepared to change any that are selfish or unloving. It is by keeping a daily journal with honest input that we can understand ourselves and know what positive changes need to be made.
Allocate time daily for meditation for guidance and inspiration. As we take our consciousness to a higher level we experience peace and fulfilment and thus we manifest good for ourselves and for others.

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