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Dear Lightworkers we have entered 2010!
If you are here living on earth, you should congratulate yourself right now! Give yourself a pat on the back, a hug and continue to do this throughout the year. You are about to become even more in charge of you and your world. Inner strength and your core belief system will aid you greatly and will be tested continually so that you can achieve more peace and stability when all is unstable elsewhere.
There are many ironies and paradoxes it seems to living through these days, and yet from another perspective we are being offered a far greater opportunity for simplicity, handing us a choice to learn to "be" and reconnect to our soul self. However we are living in these human times and in human bodies and we require a balance, which includes remembering our spiritual tool kit as we ascend with help from the ascended masters, angels and intergalactic family of light whilst also experiencing how all of this living feels, deeply!
Are you really feeling? Are you willing to feel the full impacts of these very challenging initiations? Do you perceive yourself as ready? The answer could likely be, "no", "erm", "maybe"!? If all these energies seem easy to face then perhaps you are not connecting. This year will deepen your choice to go the distance!
Perhaps I should have started with Happy New Year and hello 2010. Forgive me for my somewhat direct introduction I didn't mean to startle, but startling may be what we are due to face this year and not mincing our words may be just what we will require? You may not feel ready but you will no doubt have a secret, silent knowing, a growing understanding of who you are, who you were and who you have always been as a multidimensional soul personality, finding your way in reconnecting with your soul family.
As a spiritual writer and teacher I often wonder whether my own initiations and personal challenges cloud my right brained, third eyed visions and intuitions. However the channeler cannot be separated from the whole, if I am feeling it then so are you on some level.
Let's start out with the idea that this year is due to be an exciting one, depending on who you are and how you face your lot or part of the whole. No doubt many external changes are install for all of us. On my personal grapevine, I hear and sense that the end of many romantic relationships will be occurring all around due to the strong communication factors we have this year. Entering this year we learn from the 10 of 2010 that we are reaching a spiritual finality, a chance to connect with ending and beginning in one swoop. Continuing with number counting for numerology purposes, we learn that we are entering a year 3, which occurs when we add 2010 until we reach a single digit, leaving 3. This suggests this year will also provide the need for us to focus on our communication with others especially in terms of relationships! These natural shifts, you may have been experiencing since before the New Year with the turn of the winter solstice, this is because the situations are set up beforehand to allow us to see through the new energies during this year and complete them here. You may still be experiencing the reviewing process of the dark months but many of you may have felt a dominate change inside you right from New Years Day.
Root chakra issues will continue to dominate this year, with many of us facing major instability in all aspects of our physical world. Jobs, homes, families and any other aspect of importance in your reality linked to security or survival may become wobbly or fall completely. It is crucial to show no resistance to the changes that are needed. If we can become a little more flexible and open minded this will assist us greatly, leaving us to ride the waves with excitement rather than fear. At this stage anything that is shaky in our lives will be brought up for review and we will be asked to either let go or heal situations and relationships. People in general will not be able to do such an easy job of "making do" or patching over deeper problems. We are moving out of contentment and now being given a chance for joy, love and peace, but not before we address what must move out in order for us to find these more highly aligned qualities.
Perhaps it may help to see ourselves as taking part in a serious new year life detox! Similar to a dietary cleanse, the good elements inside remain despite the acidic toxin release and may need to weather the storms of cold sweats from sugar hunger, yet the rebuilding will feel worth it. On the other side we feel refreshed, renewed and more healthy about life and far more capable to journey forward. If we build our body on false habits, addictive foods, forms of negative self medicating we are running on unstable ground, and one day our health will plummet. This is akin to our lives, ask yourself what you have built your life on? How are the foundations? Are you avoiding the cracks and the mould in the dark corners? If adjustments need to be made, let them happen. Sometimes it is the best option to sell and move on, but maybe it is simply a case of reworking the wiring. If you look closely you will see that there may even be some aspects of your home that you have never appreciated in the light of day. All is never lost in the home of you but we must now consider our living arrangements both literally and non-literally.
I send all of you blessings on your journeying for 2010 and beyond! Below I have added information about upcoming workshops, courses and events should you wish to have some company or assistance along the way! For continued lightworker and ascension information please visit:
Regular Weekly Ascension Groups: upcoming fortnights schedule of activities for New Year
Daytime Spiritual Group Wednesday 6th Jan 12 - 2pm £10
¤ White Light Healing
¤ New Years ritual / ceremony
¤ Angel card for the self
Lightworker Ascension Class Thursday 7th Jan 7.30 - 9.30pm £10
* White Light Healing
* New Years Ritual / ceremony
* Angel card for the self
Daytime Spiritual Group Friday 15th Jan 12 - 2pm £10 (first session at the Quaker Hall)
¤ A little light on Telepathy and looking at symbol in pairs
¤ Cord cutting exercise
¤ Guided meditation with the drum, connecting with the fairy and elemental realm
Lightworker Ascension Class Thursday 14th 7.30 - 9.30pm £10
* Meditation to connect with our soul extensions and Monad, (reconnecting with our other soul fragments)
* Exercise to indentify our deepest fears and bring awareness about letting go of attachments
* Discussions about 2012
January Workshops & Events:
Creating or Sustaining A Successful Spiritual Business
Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 12 - 3pm - £35 (£15 deposit required)
Angel Therapy Room, Leigh
This workshop is open to anyone with a desire to work for themselves in a complementary therapy or spiritual setting or those already working for themselves who want to learn tools to expand their work further.
This four hour group session will demonstrate that to follow your outer purpose and find success and happiness in life, you already possess inside yourself everything you need, however using a mixture of a logical, left-brained approach and the right-brained rule of following the signs of your heart your can make your dreams a reality.
You will learn:
To uncover how to define your gifts and talents into a list of comprehensive services
To find a suitable job title or label to help explain what you do to others
To find all your strengths and unique selling points
About self employment and the energetic effects of your business
How to reach the audience you are seeking
How to bring in clients / more clients
How to use marketing and networking
How to create healthy work boundaries
The area of financing
Understanding manifestation
How to manage your sensitivity in the business world
Exploring pitfalls, do and don'ts and the archetype of the "giver"!
Get to meet other people in the same boat! ;)
The workshop includes meditation, spiritual guidance and self development exercises. There will be a short break with refreshments.
Sound Healing Event: A Mystical Journey into Magic and Myth
Saturday January 30th - 2 - 5pm - £35 (£15 deposit required)
The Quaker Friends Meeting House, 18 Dundonald Drive, Leigh, SS9 1DJ
This Event is a journey into sound and the healing vibrations that come from using the voice to raise consciousness! In this unique three hour event you will experience sound healing meditations that all seek to help you raise your vibration and heal any blockages in your energy field. This is done by the sound vibrations ability to take you into deeper states of consciousness to a place where healing can occur and negativity can be released. During the sound, Hanna also uses a large shamanic drum, singing bowl, tingsha, and many other accompanying sound tools which are sent through the mic.
The session will consist of three sound healing meditations channeled by Hanna Ehlers. The way Hanna works is by allowing her being to become a vessel for the sounds of many highly ascended beings, such as intergalactic beings, the Great White Brotherhood, other Ascended Masters, Archangels and celestial bodies such as Mother Earth, and other planets or groups of beings. The sounds that come forward are always unplanned and are relevant to the people receiving the sound healing in the group.
This particular event will include journeys into the magical and mythical realms allowing vibrations to come forward from Merlin, the dragon companions, unicorns, Goddesses and other light filled beings.
The following will also be part of the workshop:
* Breaks after the meditations to have refreshments and mingle with like minded people.
* A chance to assimilate the sound in groups, discussing your journeys and healing experiences during the meditations.
The Lightworker Team will be around to assist with the above.
Intensive Psychic and Healing Weekend Course 23rd & 24th January
(with certification and a chance to be registered on the site as a practitioner!)
Fees £120 - £40 deposit required
This course is open to both beginners and healers / psychics alike, it is an intensive journey taught from a high frequency perspective and encompasses a spiritual and logical look at the world and our developing abilities as the new earth global population!
This course is now run over an entire weekend in a small group. From 10am until 4.30pm each day. At the end of the weekend workshop you will receive a certificate which recognizes you as a "Psychic Healing Practitioner".
You will explore the world of spirituality and learn to understand what we mean by the word psychic. Delving into the parts of us we can't necessarily see, you will learn about your connection to the universe and how divine energy can enrich and heal your life. Whether you just want to learn more about the spiritual world, practice with a view to setting up your own business or enrich what you already practice, this course caters for both aspects providing you with an array of tools.
Many topics will be discussed such as, past lives, energy management, auras, chakras and how illness forms, angels, guides, higher self, the ego, soul contracts, what or who is God or the divine, ET's, brainwaves and more.
Exercises include:
Understanding the chakra body mirror system
Aura reading
White light healing
Chakra psychic healing
Psychic surgery
Remote viewing via cord cutting, "vaccuming", understanding distant healing
Mediumship reading
Angel Card reading
Past life meditation
Visualisation meditations
and more depending on group energies / my guidance
The course will involve guided meditations and exercises in pairs and as a group, incorporating giving readings, healing and working on personal development.There are opportunities to continue working on the skills you have learned after the weekend workshop, with students that have already completed the course.
Some snacks and refreshments will be provided for a short lunch break but please bring a packed lunch.
One to One sessions: January sale runs until Jan 30th and is as follows: (for entire therapy list visit
* 1hr Angel Therapy Reading Session - Normal Price £40 Sale - £35
* 1hr Past Life Review Session - Normal Price £45 Sale - £35
All deposits are payable by cheque, paypal or cash to secure your place.
Wishing you an amazing 2010!
If you wish to book on any of the above events or a one to one service please contact Hanna for details: 07703022129
Hanna Ehlers MNFSH ATP
Spiritual and Metaphysical Teacher and Therapist
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